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Walk In, Smile Out
Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry Specialists in Newark, NJ

Want a gorgeous smile? Of course, you do. Everyone wants a smile that lights up the room. However, if your smile has flaws and imperfections, you may find yourself avoiding smiling or hiding it when you smile. Missing teeth or severe discoloration can even keep people from talking to others. The result is a lack of self-confidence. Improving your smile through cosmetic dentistry enhances your appearance, self-esteem, and social life.

While there is some overlap between cosmetic and general dentistry, the big difference is that cosmetic dentistry focuses on the appearance of your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry is not focused on health or function. However, before you get any cosmetic treatments, you must get your mouth healthy. You do not want to do cosmetic treatments on teeth with untreated tooth decay or if you have untreated gum disease.

Previously, cosmetic dentistry could negatively impact the health of your mouth. Some techniques require damaging your teeth to add a decorative layer. Veneers used to require shaving your teeth down substantially to place the veneers. That was a permanent change since enamel does not regrow. However, advanced techniques mean we can often place veneers without shaving your natural teeth, causing much less damage to get the look you want.

There are so many things that can improve the look of your smile. We can do orthodontics to help straighten teeth and address underlying structural issues. We can whiten your teeth to remove stains and discoloration. We can install crowns or bridges to eliminate gaps, using a natural-colored composite to match your natural smile. Most cosmetic dentistry involves a combination of these treatments, customized to create a beautiful smile that suits you.

For patients, one of the main differences between cosmetic and general dental treatments is who pays for them. Your insurance company should pay for at least part of your routine general care. However, it will not pay for unnecessary cosmetic procedures. It will, however, usually pay partial amounts for things like porcelain crowns, a combination of restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

Because insurance does not generally cover cosmetic dentistry, many wonder if they can afford the treatments. There is a huge price range for cosmetic treatments. The best way to determine whether they are in your price range is to come in for a consultation. There, we can make our recommendations and provide a reliable estimate. Many people are surprised to discover how affordable cosmetic dentistry can be. Plus, we work with Care Credit, which allows you to pay for treatments over time through affordable monthly payments.

Ready to find out more? Contact us today. We are happy to answer any questions you may have and to schedule your consultation today.

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