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Pediatric Dentistry

Caring Pediatric Dentist in Newark, NJ

Even though kids have baby teeth, which fall out before being replaced by adult teeth, good oral health is critical to your child’s health. You want to establish good hygiene habits while your children are young. Plus, you want a pediatric dentist to examine their teeth as soon as they have them. For many children, this means that they should have their first dental visit before their first birthday.

Why is dental care so critical to children? Our kids consume a massive amount of sugar. Even if your child eats a healthy diet, they probably get plenty of sugar through milk or juice. If they use a nighttime bottle or sippy cup, the situation can promote tooth decay. In fact, as dentists, we discourage using nighttime baby bottles and sippy cups filled with milk or juice. They are acidic and high in sugar, which can promote tooth decay. Instead, they should brush their teeth after having their last milk or juice of the night. Then, they can have water at night if they get thirsty.

Pediatric Dental Examinations

Pediatric Dental Examinations

Pediatric Dental Examinations are dental check-ups specifically tailored for children and infants. These examinations are essential to monitor and maintain a child’s oral health from an early age. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children should have their first dental visit by their first birthday or within six months of the eruption of their first tooth.

Preventive Dentistry For Kids

Preventive Dentistry for Kids

Preventive Dentistry for Kids focuses on the early detection and prevention of dental issues in children. It involves a combination of dental treatments and education to maintain optimal oral health and prevent future dental problems.

Pediatric Dental Fillings

Pediatric Dental Fillings are restorative procedures used to repair teeth affected by cavities or tooth decay in children. If a child’s tooth has decayed or developed a cavity, the dentist will remove the decayed part of the tooth and then fill the area with a suitable dental material to restore its function and shape.

Children's Dental Emergencies

Children’s Dental Emergencies

Children’s Dental Emergencies refer to urgent dental situations that require immediate attention to address pain, injury, or sudden oral health issues. Dental emergencies can occur due to accidents, injuries, severe toothaches, or trauma to the mouth.

Dental Education For Kids

Dental Education for Kids

Dental Education for Kids, involves teaching children about proper oral hygiene practices and the importance of taking care of their teeth and gums. The goal is to instill good oral health habits early on, leading to a lifetime of healthy smiles.

When your child has a tooth, you must begin brushing. You must start flossing them if they have two or more adjacent teeth. That is often easier said than done. It can be easier to wrangle cats than to brush a toddler’s teeth. We understand that, and that is why we encourage routine dental visits. We can professionally clean and examine your child’s teeth to ensure no tooth decay.

Many people find the dentist frightening. That is because many adults have had to have major dental work. However, if you think about it, dental visits are rarely painful. We use numbing agents to ensure that you do not feel pain while we are handling restorative treatments. You may feel much better after visiting the dentist than you did before you came to the dentist. So, please do not tell your children that a pediatric dentist is scary or will hurt. Children’s routine visits should be comfortable and not painful. Furthermore, suppose we do need to do any additional work. In that case, we can use medications and therapeutic approaches to keep it stress-free and painless for your child.

We recommend several things for our pediatric patients. First, we believe they should have yearly X-rays to monitor the condition of their teeth. They should have twice-yearly cleanings to ensure that tartar and plaque do not lead to tooth decay. We can apply a topical fluoride treatment, which helps inhibit tooth decay and cavities. We can seal the back teeth, helping prevent food particles from getting trapped in the teeth. If your child’s teeth are cracked or damaged, we can bond them to help repair them. We can use fillings to treat cavities. If your child has significant tooth decay, we can do root canals. However, root canals are not a traditional treatment since children will lose those teeth anyway. Instead, we may do an extraction.

Whether you want to plan your child’s first trip to the dentist or switch from another pediatric dentist, we are here for you. Contact us today to get started.

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